Make a donation
Donations are gratefully accepted and your support assists with our raising funds.
All donations are tax deductible.
The Actors’ & Entertainers’ Benevolent Fund is registered as a charity under the Collections Act 1996 (Section 7(3) – Collections Regulations 1975). Unconditional donations of $2.00 or more to the Actors’ & Entertainers’ Benevolent Fund are tax deductible under Item 4.1.1 of Sub-section 78(4) of Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 as amended.
The Actors and Entertainers Benevolent Fund relies on cash donations and bequests to assist with the overall success of our work. If you’re passionate about the arts and have enjoyed performances in theatre, film and television, you might like to consider remembering the Actors and Entertainers Benevolent Fund in your will.
Your solicitor will be able to help you in making arrangements for a bequest. We suggest the following wording as a guide: “I bequeath … (include the details of your donation here/cash contribution/percentage of estate or description of item) to The Actors and Entertainers Benevolent Fund of Queensland.”
While we understand that deciding to leave a gift in your will is personal, should you like to speak with us about your bequest you can contact the Fund for a private conversation.