About the Program
ABF Qld is delivering two complimentary series (morning and afternoon) of virtual group meditation sessions as part of our Health and Wellbeing Program to support the mental health of Arts workers.
Designed to equip participants with a cohesive suite of techniques to improve overall wellness, the respective sessions will focus on:
Resilience, and
Join Rainer Jozeps, an experienced meditation practitioner and guide, who will take you through your mindfulness practice.
Meditation is a ‘shower for the mind’ – it has been proven to strengthen resilience, enhance focus, reduce anxiety and boost creativity.
Whether you require support or are seeking personal development, you’re invited to create space for yourself to re-centre and flourish.
ABF’s Health and Wellbeing Program is proudly supported by Arts Queensland.
About the sessions
Acceptance | Monday 20 Feb, 10.30am - 11.00am & 5.00pm - 5.30pm
Acceptance is, in essence, self-compassion. It seeks to relieve negative sensations by letting go of the innate desire to resist. The practice of ‘acceptance’ promotes helpful thoughts and relieves distress.
rESILIENCE | Monday 27 Feb, 10.30am - 11.00am & 5.00pm - 5.30pm
Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ when things are troubling. Negative states are not permanent although they can seem so. This meditation reminds us that we all have the ability to return to that better place; to be resilient.
gRATITUDE | mONDAY 6 mAR, 10.30AM - 11.00AM & 5.00PM - 5.30PM
Gratitude is simply saying ‘thank you’ for all that we have. Practicing gratitude helps us when things get difficult as well as recognising those moments that are positive. Science proves that regular doses of gratitude lead to a positive disposition and a life well led.
Rainer Jozeps has had over 40 years’ experience as a performer and senior arts executive in Australia and Europe. He has run the WA Ballet, Elizabethan Melbourne Orchestra and the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra.
With 20 years’ study of Buddhist philosophy, Rainer is also an experienced meditation practitioner and guide. During Covid, he delivered well-being programs for major corporations, Government bodies and many arts organisations including Australian Dance Theatre, The New Zealand School of Dance and UTAS (Music School).
Rainer is a mentor and counsellor with Lifeline.
“I didn’t know what to expectation when we had our first workplace meditation. Rainer is amazing. The sessions highlighted the benefits of mindfulness, and how to manage stress. What I now know about the mind I can apply at work and home.” – C.D.
“I felt cornered, like choices were being made about my life over which I had no control. Rainer focussed my mind. He challenged my thinking and set me on a structured path to where I want to be. Now there's no going back.” – G.R.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you’re most welcome to join as no prior experience is necessary for either the in-person or virtual session.
No, the guided meditation delivered across both platforms will be consistent and of high-quality. However, attendance in person facilitates the opportunity to have pre- and post-conversation with our meditation guide, Rainer Jozeps.
Yes, you may participate in an entire meditation series through a combination of in-person and virtual sessions.
The virtual sessions will be conducted through Zoom. On registration, you will receive the Zoom links to the sessions you’ll be attending via your nominated email. A reminder email will also be sent a day prior to each session with the respective Zoom links.
Yes, there will be ample parking available at the Queensland Theatre. Otherwise, public transport is another suitable and accessible option to the venue. Please find out more about transport to Queensland Theatre here.
Please note that ABF Qld will provide further information upon registration, depending on the type of session you’ve registered to. Please get in touch with us at info@abfqld.com.au if there are queries about our meditation series.